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Hermes purses and scarves are famous, but simple examples of a brandname that has been built from scratch, carefully over time and by being extremely protective of distribution channels for their limited production, hand-crafted products. Hermes controls the price and design of each unit produced with a discipline that borders on fanaticism. When a design becomes popular and demand increases, the family owned Company caps production far short of maximum sales potential. This is a classic example of a limited distribution strategy that serves to increase Hermes' product desirability among discerning consumers.Nike Dunks Nike Dunk SB hermes bags Ferrari automobiles, Zegna menswear, Piaget watches, Tory Burch fashions and La Prairie Skin care and Cosmetics are other examples of Brands that have created world-wide franchises by avoiding any taint of a mass production model. They sell service, customization and personalized product that elite customers demand. The strategy does not need to be limited to exclusive couture brands, however! The Branding and Marketing Consulting firm that we manage utilizes many different forms of personalized service or customized product assembly to differentiate our clients. In order to be able to compete with behemoth, multi-national brands a new company must be able to identify their unique Selling Idea (USP). A better ingredient story or a better mousetrap design will not suffice. Recently a prospective client approached us with a Perfume concept. The Fragrance world is huge and brutally competitive. The perfumer we met with was keen to commercialize a range of scents, mainly by utilizing generic top notes. We spent a good deal of time trying to define a USP that would differentiate her product, while creating a niche she could occupy. The final, agreed suggestion was to sell a value added personalized blending service with each offering customized, value added and unique to each client. There are a number of added special service features which insure that the Brand will be regarded as unique by her "alpha" clientele. We have utilized one form or another of this technique for Gourmet Foods, Toys, Cosmetics, Wellness regimens, Service providers and many other client projects. An important feature of this strategy is the opportunity to bootstrap the product or service when limited resources are at hand. Local sales can be leveraged to local sales and beyond. The enterprise can be grown at a pace that is more easily handled by thinly resourced entrepreneurs. authentic supra authentic supra shoes authentic prada handbags Nike Dunks Nike Dunk SB hermes bags hermes outlet hermes bags authenti prada shoes authentic prada purse authentic jordan authentic jordan shoes authentic jordan prada handbags prada handbags authentic jordan shoes authentic prada outlet cheap prada handbags prada handbags 2012 authentic prada outlet cheap hermes outlet hermes handbags outlet hermes bags outlet cheap hermes handbags Red Bull, Snapple and Arizona Hot Tea did not start as national and international brands. They were bootstrapped. They found holes in saturated, developed marketplaces and they filled marketers. This model is available to creative entrepreneurs who are driven to compete, but understand that they must deal from a different, smaller deck of cards.
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